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Elizabeth Peters: Night Train to Memphis

Night Train to Memphis From the Publisher:
Elizabeth Peters, author of the national bestseller The Camel Died at Noon, has produced another of her classic blends of adventure, romance and suspense. This novel, which features art historian Vicky Bliss, takes Vicky to modern Egypt.

Learning of a plot to rob the treasure-filled Cairo Museum, Vicky is persuaded -- against her better judgement -- to join a Nile cruise in order to prevent the theft and identify the thief, the wily Sir John, a master of disguise who has been her most dangerous antagonist and her occasional lover. Accompanied by her eccentric boss, museum director Anton Z. Schmidt, and pursued by assorted villains, Vicky sets out on a wild chase down the Nile to save the museum and settle, once and for all, her feelings for the dashing and despicable Sir John. This wonderfully witty, breathlessly suspenseful tale is Elizabeth Peters at her best.

Elizabeth Peters: Night Train to Memphis. Warner Books, ISBN 0446602485 (December, 1995), 347 p., $7.50



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