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What Next

Walter Mosley: What Next (UK 2003)

From the Publisher:
Starting with a personal memory of his father, Leroy's, war experiences, Walter Mosley writes about the need for Black people to become active in the struggle for world peace. He argues that because of their experience of oppression Black people are crucially placed to build bridges between affluent first world and the impoverished third world. Based on the personal insights that are the hallmark of his fiction, "What Next" is Mosley's moving call to action. A book that aims to remind us that we are all part of a wider community of interests that requires nurturing and support.

Walter Mosley: What Next. A Memoir Toward World Peace. Serpent's Tail, ISBN 1852428414 (September, 2003), 128 p., £5.99.



What Next

Walter Mosley: What Next (USA 2003)

From the Publisher:
In What Next, Walter Mosley -- New York Times bestselling author -- has crafted a deeply personal and political proposal, offering a commonsense approach to the challenge of finding world peace in a post-9/11 world.

Mosley recalls his father's story about not feeling like an American until German soldiers shot at him during World War II. Now the younger Mosley explores what the terrorist attacks meant to him, and challenges African Americans to use their unique position to help create a new kind of peace between the U.S. and the rest of the world. What Next examines this and other questions in a powerful polemic and call to action for African Americans and freedom-loving people everywhere.

Walter Mosley: What Next. A Memoir Toward World Peace. Black Classic Press, ISBN 1574780204 (January, 2003), 142 p., £5.99.


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