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Red Sky Falling

Christopher G. Moore: Red Sky Falling (Thailand 2005)

From the Publisher:
A freak accident in Manhattan sets in motion a bizarre series of events driven by ambition, passion and, above all, revenge. Red Sky Falling is a post-modern family saga narrated by Gideon Harvey, who was born on the day of John F. Kennedy's assassination.

Murder and conspiracy are the Harvey family legacies. Black humor and high camp weave through the story set in downtown New York. The Harvey’s are in bed with the Chinese Triads who smuggle illegal immigrants into America and the Mafia controls the unions.

The Harvey Trio played the small-time nightclub circuit in Asia until they hit the big time in the trafficking business. But the band’s singer, Saint Anne, is discontent. Her Vietnamese mother gained fame as a singer in Saigon during the war. The daughter has made a pact to become a celebrity no matter what the cost.

Red Sky Falling was originally published in 1994 under the title of Saint Anne.

Christopher G. Moore: Red Sky Falling. A Novel. Heaven Lake Press, ISBN: 9749238575, 261 p., $13.95.






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