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Heart Talk

Christopher G. Moore: Heart Talk (Thailand 2006)

From the Publisher:
Heart Talk was first published in 1992 and the second edition came out in 1998. Eight years later this attractive and vastly improved Third Edition of Heart Talk is now available. The new edition is substantially revised and reorganized, and include 200 more heart words and phrases. It also features 25 new fun and informative illustrations, as well as a new chapter on Heart Talk Proverbs and an expanded and improved Phonetic Guide.

Heart Talk is a unique study of the emotional range of the Thai language, mastering the use of the word jai or heart in many different contexts. It provides an insight into how Thai speakers express their feelings in ways understood by Thais in different situations.

Heart Talk is an essential language survival kit as you explore the Thai language, culture and people. It opens the door to the private realm of the Thai language -- the linguistic heartscape where ideas take shape, feelings are formed, moods floated, and relationships started or mended when broken.

Christopher G. Moore: Heart Talk. Say What You Feel in Thai. Heaven Lake Press, ISBN: 9749411897, 370 p., $13.95.






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