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Janwillem van de Wetering: The Rattle-Rat

The Rattle-Rat From the Publisher:
Douwe Scherjoen was a well-to-do livestock dealer from the remote Dutch province of Friesland. Then his corpse was found, half-charred by flames, floating in a dory in Amsterdam's harbor. No one knows why he was in the nation's capital, far from the bucolic pleasures of his native village of Dingjum. But since Grijpstra is Friesan by birth and can understand the dialect, he and his partner de Gier are dispatched to find the killer - or at least the motive for the crime. And they discover that while no one, not even his wife, liked the victim, the culprit is the unlikeliest suspect of all.

Janwillem van de Wetering: The Rattle-Rat. Soho Press, ISBN: 1569471037 (October, 1997), 294 p., $12.00


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