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Janwillem van de Wetering: The Hollow-Eyed Angel

The Hollow-Eyed Angel From the Publisher:
The commissaris is about to be retired from the Amsterdam Police when Johan Termeer, a volunteer cop, comes to him with a personal request. Termeer's only relative has been found dead in New York City, under an azalea bush in Central Park. New York's Finest can't seem to explain the cause of death. He fears that his eccentric old Uncle Bert may have been murdered! Can't the commissaris help? The commissaris, who is being haunted by the nightmare of a skull superimposed upon the image of a sexy blonde streetcar driver, is reluctant to intervene. But since he has a Police Convention to attend in New York anyway, he agrees to make an inquiry. And the death's head dream comes true.

Janwillem van de Wetering: The Hollow-Eyed Angel. Soho Press, ISBN: 156947091X (July, 1997), 282 p., $.13.00



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