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Janwillem van de Wetering: Mangrove Mama and Other Tales of Tropical Terror

Mangrove Mama and Other Tales of Terror From the Publisher:
From the pen of the man who is "doing what Simenon might have done if  Albert Camus had sublet his skull" (according to literary critic John Leonard), comes a collection of 17 short stories set in the 10 countries where the author has lived. Many are set in tropical climes, (Colombia, Florida, South Africa, New Guinea), while several feature his famed Zen-minded Amsterdam homicide detectives, and several take place in Japan.

Janwillem van de Wetering: Mangrove Mama and Other Tropical Tales of Terror. Dennis MacMillan, ISBN: 0939767236 (November, 1995), 289 p., $30.00


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