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I Know a Trick Worth Two of That

Donald Westlake writing as Samuel Holt: I Know a Trick Worth Two of That (USA 2006)

From the Publisher:
The Second Book in the Sam Holt Series; with an introduction by Donald Westlake written especially for the Felony & Mayhem edition.

Sam Holt spent years playing Packard, everyone's favorite TV-detective; he's got no desire to play sleuth in real life. But when a long-lost pal calls with a rant about conspiracies, sinister cargo ships and hit men and then gets poisoned at a party full of Holt's closest friends -- there doesn't seem to be a lot of choice. Sure, Holt could leave it to the cops and cross his fingers. But Packard would never have taken such a weenie's way out. And Holt, to his astonishment, finds that he can't either.

Donald Westlake writing as Samuel Holt: I Know a Trick Worth Two of That. The 2nd Sam Holt Mystery. Felony & Mayhem, ISBN: 1933397438 (June, 2006), 278 p., $14.95.






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