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Andrew Vachss: Born Bad

Born Bad From the Publisher:
From a writer whose novels have been acclaimed for their unflinching exploration of evil comes a brilliant collection of short stories - some never before published - that distill dread back down to its essence - and inject it straight into the reader's back brain. Andrew Vachss might have scissored his characters from today's headlines: a stalker prowling around an anonymous high-rise; a serial killer whose transgressions reflect a childhood of hideous abuse; an inner-city gunman who is willing to take out a blockful of victims in order to win a moment of acceptance.

Tautly written and endowed with murderous ironic spin, Born Bad plunges us into the hell that lies just outside our bedroom windows.

Andrew Vachss: Born Bad. Stories. Vintage Books, ISBN: 0679753362 (August, 1994), 336 p., $13.00



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