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M. J. Trow: Lestrade and the Guardian Angel

Lestrade and the Guardian Angel From the Publisher
He is in his forty-third year and knee-deep in murder. Well, what's new? Sholto Lestrade of Scotland Yard wouldn't have it any other way...

The first fatality in a bizarre series of killings is a Captain of the Second Life Guards, found in the River Thames with a war medal wedged between his teeth. Then a dead Egyptologist is discovered with a scarab clamped between his molars. When a young soldier is found dead in the saddle (this time a locket is the dying mouthful), Lestrade is forced to impersonate a barrack-room lawyer...

His hunt for clues takes him on a near-fatal trip in a hot-air balloon, on a disastrous bicycle tour ending with a night in jail, and to London's East End, where he must prevent a confrontation between rival gangs.

M. J. Trow: Lestrade and the Guardian Angel. Regnery Publishing, ISBN: 0895262673 (September, 1999), 224 p., $19.95



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