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The Fool's Run

John Sandford: The Fool's Run (USA 1996)

From the Publisher:
Kidd is a computer whiz, artist, and professional criminal. LuEllen is his lover, and his favorite partner in crime. Their playing field in on the cutting edge of high-tech corporate warfare. This time they've been hired by a defense industry corporation to destroy its business rival through computer sabotage. If Kidd and LuEllen can pull it off, they'll reap millions. It's the sting of a lifetime. One false move and it's a lifetime sentence. As the takedown unfolds, everything goes according to plan. But their string of successes turns into a noose when the ultimate con artists find themselves on the wrong end of the ultimate con...

John Sandford: The Fool's Run. Berkley Books, ISBN: 0425155722 (December, 1996), 352 p., $5.99 (?).






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