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The Wine of Angels

Phil Rickman: Wine of Angels (UK 2011)

From the Publisher:
'Gappy old grin, eyes like grey holes... these very branches. Look up, Janey...'
It looks like a paradise parish: cobbled streets, black and white timber -framed houses. But, even before she moves in, Merrily Watkins, the new woman priest, has witnessed an ugly death. Soon she'll be involved in a bitter dispute over a play about a 17th century vicar accused of witchcraft...a story which certain old families would rather remained obscure. Welcome to Ledwardine, steeped in cider and secrecy. And, as Merrily and her teenage daughter, Jane, discover, a village where horrific murder is a tradition spanning centuries.

Phil Rickman: Wine of Angels. A Merrily Watkins Mystery. Corvus, ISBN: 9780857890092 (April, 2011), 631 p., £8.99.







The Wine of Angels

Phil Rickman: Wine of Angels (UK 1999)

From the Publisher:
The Rev. Merrily Watkins had never wanted a picture-postcard parish - or a huge and haunted vicarage. Nor had she particularly wanted to walk straight into a local dispute over a controversial play about a strange seventeenth-century clergyman accused of witchcraft... a story that certain old-established families would rather remained obscure. But this is Ledwardine, steeped in cider and secrets. A paradise of cobbled streets and timber-framed houses. And also - as Merrily and her teenage daughter Jane discover - a village where horrific murder is a tradition that spans centuries.

Phil Rickman: Wine of Angels. A Merrily Watkins Mystery. Pan, ISBN: 0330342681 (March, 1999), 631 p., £5.99.







The Wine of Angels

Phil Rickman: The Wine of Angels (UK 1998)

From the Publisher:
The Rev. Merrily Watkins had never wanted a picture-postcard parish - or a huge and haunted vicarage. Nor had she particularly wanted to walk straight into a local dispute over a controversial play about a strange seventeenth-century clergyman accused of witchcraft… a story that certain old-established families would rather remained obscures.

But this is Ledwardine, steeped in cider and secrets. A paradise of cobbled streets and timber-framed houses. And also - as Merrily and her teenage daughter Jane discover - a village where horrific murder is a tradition that spans centuries.

The Wine of Angels launches an atmospheric new series about a very singular woman facing the many faces of evil. It is a novel that foresees the sexual harassment of women priests ad confronts the most dramatic and controversial development in the Anglican Church since the Reformation.

Phil Rickman: The Wine of Angels. Macmillan, ISBN: 0333644859 (June, 1998), 534 p., £16.99.






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