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A New Lease Of Death

Ruth Rendell: A New Lease Of Death (UK 2009)

From the Publisher:
It's impossible to forget the violent bludgeoning to death of an elderly lady in her home. Even more so when it's your first murder case.

Wexford believed he'd solved Mrs Primero's murder fifteen years ago. It was no real mystery. Everyone knew Painter, her odd-job man, had done it. There had never been any doubt in anyone's mind. Until now...

Henry Archery's son is engaged to Painter's daughter. Only Archery can't let the past remain buried. He wants to prove Wexford wrong, and in probing into the lives of the witnesses questioned all those years ago, he stirs up more than old ghosts.

Ruth Rendell: A New Lease Of Death. A Wexford Case. Arrow, ISBN 9780099534792 (October, 2009), 236 p., £7.99.







Sins of the Fathers

Ruth Rendell: Sins of the Fathers (USA 1998)

From the Publisher:
Elizabeth Nightingale found peace and tranquility on her nightly walks through the rich, dense forests surrounding Myfleet Manor. But the peace she treasured was shattered one night when she found death waiting in the woods. Chief Inspector Wexford and his colleague Inspector Burden find a most unsavory case on their hands -- and must use all their wit and wisdom to solve it...

Ruth Rendell: Sins of the Fathers. (Formerly Titled »A New Lease of Death«). An Inspector Wexford Mystery. Ballantine, ISBN: 0345342534 (December, 1998), 249 p., $5.99.






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