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Ruth Rendell: Going Wrong

Going Wrong From the Publisher:
The dark, good-looking Guy is from a council flat. Leonora has a mews house in Holland Park, and her mother doesn't care for Guy - or the way he makes his money. His obsession with Leonora increases, even after they have grown apart, until eventually it creates in him a murderous madness.

In GOING WRONG she has quite simply transformed the genre of crime writing. She deploys her peerless skills in blending the mundane, commonplace aspects of life with the potent, murky impulses of desire and greed, obsession and fear... this is a book that cannot be taken for granted, and no reader should pass it by.' ANTHONY CLARE. SUNDAY TIMES

Ruth Rendell: Going Wrong. Arrow, ISBN: 0099808404 (August, 1991), 250 p., £5.99



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