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Fools Die

Mario Puzo: Fools Die (UK 2001)

From the Publisher:
Within the interconnecting worlds of bigtime gambling, publishing and the film industry, the power of corruption and the corruption of power are nowhere better explored. From New York to Las Vegas, Merlyn and his brother Artie obey their own code of honour in the ferment of contemporary America, where law and organised crime are one and the same...

Mario Puzo: Fools Die. Arrow Books, ISBN: 0099418355 (August (?), 2001), 480 p., £6.99.







Fools Die

Mario Puzo: Fools Die (USA 1994)

From the Publisher:
FOOLS DIE is a novel that only Mario Puzo could have written. Encompassing America's golden triangle of corruption - New York, Hollywood, Las Vegas. It plunges you into the electric excitement of luxurious gambling casinos - the heady arena for high rollers and big-time hustlers, scheming manipulators and fancy hookers - a world of greed, lust, violence, and betrayal, where men ruthlessly use their power, where women ravenously use their sex, where only the strongest survive and fools die...

Mario Puzo: Fools Die. Signet, ISBN: 0451160193 (August, 1994), 531 p., $7.99.







Fools Die

Mario Puzo: Fools Die (UK 1992)

From the Publisher:
A novel by the author of "The Godfather".
Brothers Merlyn and Artie obey their own code of honour in an America where law and organized crime have become one and the same. Wealth and fame, pimping and cheating, love affairs and carnal arrangements, all feature in a contemporary tale of corruption.

Mario Puzo: Fools Die. Mandarin, ISBN: 0749313080 (September, 1992), 473 p., £4.99.







Fools Die

Mario Puzo: Fools Die (UK 1980)

From the Publisher:
Fame and wealth, skuduggery and cheating and pimping, love affairs and carnal arrangements, one scene following another pell mell, all written with unflagging vitality...bawdy, comic, highly coloured, hypnotic. It would be a very cool reader indeed who did not devour the whole mixture greedily.

Mario Puzo: Fools Die. Pan Books, ISBN: 0330258478 (April, 1980), 443 p., £1.50.






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