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Murder, Interrupted

James Patterson: Murder, Interrupted (USA 2019)

From the Publisher:
As seen on Discovery's Murder is Forever TV series: In these two true crime thrillers, a reluctant hitman and a cheating husband fight for their lives... and a single mother exacts her revenge.

In Murder, Interrupted, rich, cheating financier Frank Howard wants his wife dead, and he's willing to pay Billie Earl Johnson whatever it takes: $750,000, to be exact. When his bullet misses the mark, Billie Earl and Frank will turn on each other in a fight for their lives...

Mother of All Murders is the story of local celebrity Dee Dee Blancharde. Television reports praise her as a single mother who tirelessly cares for her wheelchair-bound, chronically ill daughter. But when the teenaged Gypsy Rose realizes she isn't actually sick and Dee Dee has lied all these years, Gypsy Rose exacts her revenge...

James Patterson: Murder, Interrupted. True-crime thrillers. Grand Central Publishing, ISBN: 9781538763223 (September, 2019), 320 p., $8.99.



Murder, Interrupted

James Patterson: Murder, Interrupted (UK 2018)

From the Publisher:
Two true-crime cases from the hit TV series Murder is Forever
MURDER, INTERRUPTED. Rich, cheating financier Frank Howard wants his wife dead, and he's willing to pay Billie Earl Johnson whatever it takes. But when the bullet misses the mark, Billie Earl and Frank will turn on each other in a fight for their lives...

MOTHER OF ALL MURDERS. Dee Dee Blancharde is a local celebrity. Television reports praise her as a single mother who tirelessly cares for her wheelchair-bound, chronically ill daughter. But when Gypsy Rose realises she isn't actually sick and Dee Dee has lied all these years, the daughter exacts her revenge...

James Patterson: Murder, Interrupted. Shocking true-crime cases. Arrow, ISBN: 9781787460799 (January, 2018), 305 p., £7.99, eBook £4.99.



Murder, Interrupted

James Patterson: Murder, Interrupted (USA 2018)

From the Publisher:
Two true-crime thrillers as seen on Discovery's Murder is Forever TV series - premiering January 2018
MURDER, INTERRUPTED. Rich, cheating financier Frank Howard wants his wife dead, and he's willing to pay Billie Earl Johnson whatever it takes, to the tune of $750,000. When his bullet misses the mark, Billie Earl and Frank will turn on each other in a fight for their lives...

MOTHER OF ALL MURDERS. Dee Dee Blancharde is a local celebrity. Television reports praise her as a single mother who tirelessly cares for her wheelchair-bound, chronically ill daughter. But when the teenaged Gypsy Rose realizes she isn't actually sick and Dee Dee has lied all these years, Gypsy Rose exacts her revenge...

James Patterson: Murder, Interrupted. Two true-crime thrillers. Grand Central Publishing, ISBN: 9781538744727 (January, 2018), 297 p., $15.99, eBook $9.99.


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