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Red Hook

Reggie Nadelson: Red Hook (USA 2007)

From the Publisher:
Artie Cohen has just married Maxine Crabbe and is about to take a honeymoon when the death of his friend Sid McKay pulls him back. Uncovering secrets he had never known Sid was keeping, as the Republican National Convention of 2004 dominates the city, Artie frantically scours its unknown fringes, from Red Hook to Hunts Point to the old High Line, uncovering a web of lies and deceit, and in the process revealing the twisted ways in which information can be corrupted and turned into propaganda. Through her great skills as a storyteller, Reggie Nadelson weaves a thrilling tale of deception, while bringing her flawed but deeply human protagonist to ever-greater life.

Reggie Nadelson: Red Hook. An Artie Cohen Mystery. Walker, ISBN: 0802716385 (September, 2007), 330 p., $15.95.



Red Hook

Reggie Nadelson: Red Hook (USA 2006)

From the Publisher:
Several months have passed since the tragedy enacted in Disturbed Earth. Artie Cohen has just married Maxine and is about to take time out of the city with her when two events pull him back: the apparent murder of a friend, and the appearance of his former girlfriend, Lily, their break-up never fully resolved. Through her great skills as a storyteller and creator of memorable characters, Reggie Nadelson weaves a thrilling tale of deception, while bringing to ever-greater life her protagonist, Artie Cohen -- deeply flawed and deeply human.

Reggie Nadelson: Red Hook. An Artie Cohen Mystery. Walker, ISBN: 0802715346 (November, 2006), 330 p., $23.95.



Red Hook

Reggie Nadelson: Red Hook (UK 2006)

From the Publisher:

It's a late summer Sunday in downtown New York City, and Artie Cohen is getting married. Watching the sun rising over the East River, he's content.

A message comes in from an old friend, Sid McKay, asking Artie to come out to Red Hook in Brooklyn. It's his wedding day, but Artie owes Sid, so he goes.

On arriving he finds a dead man spreadeagled in the water off the old docks. When Sid eventually shows up, he's scared, edgy and evasive, Artie suspects he's holding something back.

Even at his own wedding party, later that day, Artie can't stop thinking about Sid. Why has the death of a vagrant spooked him so much? It's not his case, but the more he digs, the more it drags him in, implicating - and threatening - his closest friends...

Reggie Nadelson: Red Hook. An Artie Cohen Novel. Arrow, ISBN: 009946568X (May, 2006), 404 p., £6.99.



Red Hook

Reggie Nadelson: Red Hook (UK 2005)

From the Publisher:
Journalist Jack Santiago is famous for his investigative skills, for his ability to get under the skin of the rich and famous - and for his reporting on nuclear terrorism in New York. The city, he insists, is on the verge of an attack, an attack with radioactive materials, an attack so sudden and secret that none of the city's preparations will make any difference. He's obsessed with suitcase nukes; with tiny weapons concealed in bags, easily carried into the city; with the fact that 100,000 people will die of nuclear poisoning. The only problem with Santiago is that he is dead. The other problem is that none of his stories are true.

It is the night of the August 2003 blackout when Santiago is killed. August 14, when the lights go out up and down the US East Coast. And also the night that Artie Cohen, forever single, still regretting the loss of Lily Hanes who has left him, gets married to Maxine Crabbe. He wants a life, kids, a home; with Maxie, he's convinced himself, he can find it. Santiago's death reveals a history of lies, deceit and falsification; Santiago has made up everything, including much of his own life. And in the course of uncovering who killed him, Artie also uncovers the ways in which information can be corrupted and turned into propaganda... And then Lily returns...

Reggie Nadelson: Red Hook. The New Artie Cohen Mystery. Heinemann, ISBN: 0434011894 (May, 2005), 330 p., £12.99.


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