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Manhattan 62

Reggie Nadelson: Manhattan 62 (UK 2014)

From the Publisher:
During the stifling autumn of 1962, NYPD detective Pat Wynne catches the hardest case of his career. A young Cuban man's body has been found on the High Line freight railroad, mutilated beyond recognition. His is the second Cuban murder in New York that year - both bodies displaying the same tattoo of a worm and the words Cuba Libre.

Meanwhile, international tension is mounting and missiles are trained on America. The city is terrified.

Pat is not only investigating a disturbing, politically sensitive case: there may be a spy on his own doorstep. Are his instincts correct, or is he about to commit the ultimate act of betrayal?

Reggie Nadelson: Manhattan 62. Corvus, ISBN: 9781843548393 (January, 2014), 420 S., £16.99.


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