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The Jackal's Head

Elizabeth Peters: The Jackal's Head (USA 2012)

From the Publisher:
Althea Tomlinson's ostensible reason for returning to Egypt is to chaperone a spoiled teenager through this fabulous desert land. The truth is more complex... and dangerous. Ten years ago, something that happened here brought about her father's ruin and subsequent death -- and Althea intends to clear her disgraced parent's name and finally lay a dark past to rest. But there are some mysteries best left buried in the shifting sands, and a devoted daughter's search for answers is stirring up forgotten memories almost too painful to endure, that propel her onward among ancient tombs, legendary treasures, miraculous discoveries... and ever-closer to her own threatened doom.

Elizabeth Peters: The Jackal's Head. A Novel of Suspense and Intrigue. Harper, ISBN 9780062087782 (February, 2012), 256 p., $9.99.







The Jackal's Head

Elizabeth Peters: The Jackal's Head (USA 2002)

From the Publisher:
Althea Tomlinson says she has returned to Egypt to see the sights, and to chaperon a spoiled teenager through this strange and breathtaking desert land. The truth is more complex...and dangerous. Ten years ago, something here brought about her father's ruin and subsequent death -- and Althea intends to clear her disgraced parent's name and lay a dark past finally to rest. But there are some mysteries best left buried in the shifting sands. And a devoted daughter's search for answers is stirring up forgotten memories almost too painful to endure, and propelling her onward toward ancient tombs, legendary treasures, miraculous discoveries...and ever-closer to her own probable doom.

Elizabeth Peters: The Jackal's Head. Avon Books, ISBN 0380731177 (June, 2002), 336 p., $6.99.






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