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Barbara Michaels: The Grey Beginning

The Grey Beginning From the Publisher:
Along with the truth came danger.
Hoping that a trip to her late husband's childhood home will help her come to terms with his recent death, Kathy Malone travels to the rolling hills of Tuscany. But there, instead of solace, Kathy finds a lonely boy named Pietro, uncanny hints about her late husband, and the stately Contessa Morandini, whose chilly reception warms only when she mistakenly assumes Kathy is pregnant with the next heir of the Morandini line.

Despite -- or perhaps because of -- the Contessa's efforts to keep Kathy and Pietro apart, Kathy befriends the young boy. Their games lead her through the villa's maze of dark hallways, where she begins to discover hints of a startling truth. As the pieces of a sinister and murderous plan fall into place, Kathy realizes she has stumbled onto a dangerous obsession... one that was meant to stay hidden forever.

Barbara Michaels: The Grey Beginning. HarperCollins, ISBN 0061044717 (Januar, 1999), 291 p., $6.99


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