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The Wave

Walter Mosley: The Wave (USA 2007)

From the Publisher:
Errol Porter is awakened by a strange prank caller, one who asks for him by name and claims to be his father. But Errol's father has been dead for years. Late one night, curious and a little unnerved, Errol sneaks into the graveyard where his father is buried. The man he finds there will change his life.

Soon Errol's on the run from mad scientists and homeland security death squads, and befriended by creatures that are the stuff of nightmares. Plunging into a series of stunning revelations, he must uncover the hidden tragedy of his family's past and penetrate the depths of an earth-shaking, ancient enigma to determine the fate of the entire world.

Walter Mosley: The Wave. A Novel. Warner Books, ISBN 0446618187 (January, 2007), 240 p., $7.50.



The Wave

Walter Mosley: The Wave (USA 2006)

From the Publisher:
The New York Times bestselling author returns to science fiction with an eerie, transcendent novel of the near future.
Errol's father has been dead for several years. Yet lately Errol has been awakened in the middle of the night by a caller claiming to be his father. Is it a prank, or a message from the grave? When he hears the unmistakable sound of a handset being put down on a table, he decides to investigate.

Curious and not a little unnerved, Errol sneaks into the graveyard where his father is buried. What he finds there changes his life forever. Caught up in a war between a secret government security agency and an alien presence infecting our world, touched by the Wave, he knows that nothing will ever be the same again.

Walter Mosley: The Wave. A Novel. Warner Books, ISBN 0446533637 (January, 2006), 209 p., $22.95.


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