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Life out of Context

Walter Mosley: Life out of Context (USA 2006)

From the Publisher:
Life Out of Context begins as a powerful, brooding and humorously honest examination of Mosley's own sense of cultural dislocation as an African American writer. But due to a series of serendipitous events -- the screening of a documentary about Africa, an encounter with Harry Belafonte and Hugh Masakela -- Mosley, rather like the protagonist in one of his mystery novels, has a series of epiphanies on the role of a black intellectual in America. He asks: What can we do to fight injustice, poverty, exploitation, and racism? What is globalization doing to us? Through these late night meditations, Mosley attempts to transcend his earlier feelings of living a "life out of context" and seeks instead to find a political context. He ends with a call to arms, proposing that African Americans have to break their historic ties with the Democrat Party, and form a party of their own.

Walter Mosley: Life out of Context. Which Includes a Proposal for the non-Violent Takeover of the House of Representatives. Nation Books, ISBN: 1560258462 (December, 2005), 103 p., $12.95.


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