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Solo Hand

Bill Moody: Solo Hand (USA 2003)

From the Publisher:
Evan Horne, once a world class pianist, is now a man with a broken hand and a broken career. When former boss, singer Lonnie Cole, asks him to be intermediary in the payment of blackmail, Horne if unable to resist. But trading money for embarrassing photos turns out to be complicated. Pretty soon the money is gone, but the photos haven't turned up. Instead there's a fresh body on the beach. And Horne is looking more  and more like a suspect.

Bill Moody: Solo Hand. An Evan Horne Mystery. Dark City Books, ISBN: 0964413833 (May, 2003), 288 p., $13.95.







Solo Hand

Bill Moody: Solo Hand (USA 1994)

From the Publisher:
Evan Horne, formerly one of America's brightest jazz pianists, was involved in a car accident that left him with an injured hand and no career. He didn't think things could get worse -- until his ex-wife, Sharon, who now lives with his former boss, Lonnie Cole, pleads for his help in a blackmail plot against Cole. Suddenly Evan is carrying a million dollars of cash into a deadly L.A. jam session that plays to a tune of violence and extortion.

Bill Moody: Solo Hand. Walker & Co., ISBN: 0802732488 (February, 1994), 193 p., $19.95.






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