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Night Victims

John Lutz: Night Victims (USA 2009)

From the Publisher:
Good Night, Sleep Tight
A computer programmer, a casting director, a call girl. The victims have nothing in common except the manner in which they spent their last night -- wrapped in their own bed sheets in a bloody ritual of slow, agonizing death.

...And Never Wake Again
For NYPD Captain Thomas Horn, this adversary is unlike any he has met before. Methodical and highly skilled, the killer is always one step ahead, able to enter buildings without detection and leave no trace behind. To stop this deadly rampage, Horn must unlock the secrets of a cunning enemy who is saving his most shocking surprises for last...

John Lutz: Night Victims. Pinnacle Books; ISBN: 9780786020836 (September, 2009), 416 p., $4.99.







The Night Spider

John Lutz: The Night Spider (USA 2003)

From the Publisher:
All Wrapped Up And Ready To Die
Each woman slept in her Manhattan high-rise, behind securely locked doors. Each was sealed alive in her bedsheets and stabbed repeatedly. Each bled to a slow end. Mouths frozen in silent screams tell little to retired NYPD Captain Thomas Horn and his detectives.

Even a vet like Horn is baffled. Nothing connects the slain women except cruel murder by a cunning intruder. Sparse clues point to a wall-crawling, glass-cutting predator who enters bedroom windows with calculated ease. But as the killer grows bolder, Horn's worst fears are about to come true. Because somewhere in the dark, the Night Spider prepares to take a new victim -- and this one won't be a stranger. In a desperate race against time, Horn must snare a psychopath in his own tangled web... or die trying.

John Lutz: The Night Spider. Kensington Publ.; ISBN: 0786015160 (November, 2003), 415 p., $6.99.






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