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The Drive-In - The Bus Tour

Joe R. Lansdale: The Drive-In - The Bus Tour (USA 2005)

From the Publisher:
The wild and weird wonders of the Drive-In world continue in this third volume, The Drive-In: The Bus Tour.

If you thought the first two books in the series were wacky, this one moves into a whole new realm of whacked and confused. Floods of Biblical proportions. A catfish that would swallow Jonah's whale. Horrid creatures almost as evil as man, and a look at the very machinery of the Drive-In Cosmos, and beyond. This is Joe R. Lansdale at his ironic best, dissecting humanity with a scalpel and a chainsaw. And then it all gets the hammer.

The Drive-in, a B Movie with Blood and Popcorn, first published in the eighties, was a milestone for horror fiction as satire, and influenced writers in many genres, from horror to science fiction to fantasy to humor to the literary novel of the strange. Here's your chance to leap back into Lansdale's classic universe and take a whirl on the amusement rides of one of this generation's most unusual novelistic minds.

The Drive-In: the Bus Tour is available in two unique editions:
Trade: 1000 signed hardcover copies: $40
Limited: 350 signed numbered slipcased copies with additional artwork: $75

Joe R. Lansdale: The Drive-In - The Bus Tour. Burton, MI: Subterranean Press, 2005, $40.00/$75.00.


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