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Inspector Ghote Plays a Joker

H.R.F. Keating: Inspector Ghote Plays a Joker (USA 1984)

From the Publisher:
Inspector Ghote embarks on one of his strangest cases when he is ordered to prevent a murder - the killing of a precious flamingo in the Bombay zoo. And then there is the racehorse fancied to win the local Derby, which gets replaced by a donkey...

Ghote finds things going disastrously as bit by bit he unearths the traces of a monstrous practical joker. But then the fun stops - and Inspector Ghote has a more serious murder on his hands.

H.R.F. Keating: Inspector Ghote Plays a Joker. Academy Chicago Publications, ISBN: 089733096X (April, 1984), 224 p., $3.95 (?).






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