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Always Say Goodbye

Stuart Kaminsky: Always Say Goodbye (USA 2007)

From the Publisher:
Four years ago, Lew Fonesca's wife Catherine was struck and killed in a hit-and-run. Grief-stricken, he fled to Chicago and wound up in Sarasota, Florida where he's made a living as a process server. Four years on, he's still savoring his depression like fine wine, and his therapist -- and sparring partner -- has had enough. It's time, she tells Lew, to get on with his life. Time to go back to Chicago and find out what really happened to his wife.

Lew hates to admit it, but Ann Horowitz might be right. Even if it kills him, he has to know the truth about his wife's death. So he returns to his home, his family, his friends -- and a mystery. He's resolved to dig until he finds out who killed his wife. In doing so, he'll uncover both sweet and painful memories of his past. He'll also confront a murderer who'll not hesitate to kill again to make sure hidden secrets stay buried.

Stuart M. Kaminsky: Always Say Goodbye. A Lew Fonesca Mystery. Forge; ISBN: 0765318806 (November, 2007), 272 p., $13.95







Always Say Goodbye

Stuart Kaminsky: Always Say Goodbye (USA 2006)

From the Publisher:
Four years ago Lew Fonesca's wife was struck and killed in a hit-and-run within sight of their apartment. He fled Chicago, driving mindlessly until his car gave up the ghost in Sarasota, FL. Working from a cheap office behind the Dairy Queen on Highway 301, he makes a threadbare living as a process server and savors his clinical depression like a fine wine.

Life's a sneaky mistress, though, and has a way of suckering you into caring. Lew's found that he's really good at helping people get out of bad situations. That he matters. And Lew's therapist, who alternately acts as his conscience and his sparring partner, tells him that unless he's willing to leave the planet, it's about time that he goes back to Chicago and closes the door to the past so that he can finally get on with the rest of his life. Lew hates to admit it, but he's beginning to see her point.

So Lew returns to his home town, to friends and family... and to a grief that threatens to engulf him. He's resolved to dig until he finds out who killed his wife. In doing so, he'll uncover both sweet and painful memories of his past. He'll also confront a murderer who'll not hesitate to kill again to make sure hidden secrets stay buried.

Stuart M. Kaminsky: Always Say Goodbye. A Lew Fonesca Novel. Forge; ISBN: 0765316013 (November, 2006), 272 p., $23.95






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