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Lieberman's Thief

Stuart M. Kaminsky: Lieberman's Thief (USA 1996)

From the Publisher:
George "Pitty-Pitty" Patniks had it all planned out: he'd cased the home and chosen the entry point, surveyed the alarm system and assured himself that the Mr. and Mrs. were attending their usual chamber music performance. Everything was ready for a nice, clean in-and-out job, or so Pitty-Pitty thought. That was before he heard the screams and saw the blood. Before the Mr. flailed with the long knife again and again at the Mrs. Before Pitty-Pitty saw her reach desperately for the phone, whose cord he had just cut. Before he saw her draw her last breath. Before the murderer realized he had an audience. Now Pitty-Pitty is on the run - from the canny Lieberman, from the murderer, and from the grotesque memories that haunt him.

Stuart M. Kaminsky: Lieberman's Thief. Ivy Books; ISBN: 0804112878 (March, 1996), 198 p., $5.50.






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