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Lieberman's Choice

Stuart M. Kaminsky: Lieberman's Choice (USA 1994)

From the Publisher:
Detective Sergeant Abe Lieberman is about to wake up to every policeman's nightmare - an out- of- control colleague hell- bent on revenge. After gunning down his wife and her lover, a fellow cop, Bernie Shepard has retreated to a makeshift bunker atop his high- rise apartment buliding, armed with a high- powered rifle and enough explosives to destroy a neighborhood. Holding his former comrades Lieberman and Bill Hanrahan desperately at bay, he issues his single demand: a confrontation with police captain Alan Kearney - or else, widespread slaughter. Either way, Lieberman knows, it's a choice that can only end in disaster.

Stuart M. Kaminsky: Lieberman's Choice. Ivy Books, ISBN: 0804111766 (March, 1994), 179 p., $4.99.






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