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Eugene Izzi: The Criminalist

The Criminalist From the Publisher:
Terry Moran is a cop whose rapid rise in the department came to a crashing halt when he was accused of butchering his brother's wife. The accusation alone was enough to destroy a promising career, and now, twenty years later, he is a pariah among his peers; a lost and broken soul merely going through the motions of living and operating from the depths of his despair. Then the body of a young woman is discovered in an alleyway in a downtown commercial district - savagely slain with a gaping hole where her heart should be - and the all-consuming flames of suspicion are fueled once more. Veteran Homicide Detective Dominick DiGrazia played an important role in the Moran investigation two decades earlier - and he watched as a single-minded obsession with the case caused his own partner to self-destruct. Now operating from a position of power at the epicenter of the Violent Crimes Unit, DiGrazia sees this latest murder as an ideal opportunity for payback: a chance to put the final nail in Terry Moran's coffin.

Eugene Izzi: The Criminalist. Avon Books, ISBN: 0380793490 (April, 1999), 359 p., $6.99


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