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Patricia Highsmith: Slowly, Slowly in the Wind

Slowly, Slowly in the Wind From the Publisher:
With Norton's publication of Slowly, Slowly in the Wind, Patricia Highsmith's entire body of work is now back in print. First published in 1979, this volume is one of Highsmith's most nuanced and psychologically suspenseful works. Slowly, Slowly in the Wind gathers stories that explore the hypocrisies of the Catholic Church, the writing life, Poe-like horror fantasies, and more. This collection is a perfect example of Highsmith's view of human nature and a fitting capstone to the reintroduction of one of the twentieth century's greatest writers.

Patricia Highsmith: Slowly, Slowly in the Wind. W.W. Norton, ISBN: 0393326322 (December, 2004), 176 p., $12.95.



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