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Contract Null & Void

Joe Gores: Contract Null & Void (USA 1997)

From the Publisher:
Their job is to bring back the goods -- the cars, truck tires, and electric guitars bought but not paid for by the deadbeats of the world. But the repo men of Daniel Kearny Associates have their own problems. Boss Dan Kearny has been bounced by his wife. Ken Warren has fallen into the grasp of a sexually predatory widow. Bart Heslip is wearing leather in the Tenderloin, and Ballard has at last met a woman who's a match for him.

Just when it seems that things couldn't get tougher, four different DKA cases start coming together, with a bang. Shotguns, politics, and a multimillion-dollar brawl between two high tech wizards are opening up bad blood on the streets of San Francisco.

Joe Gores: Contract Null & Void. A DKA File Novel. Mysterious Press, ISBN: 0446404470 (June, 1997), 321 p., $6.99 (?).







Contract Null & Void

Joe Gores: Contract Null & Void (USA 1996)

From the Publisher:
It's not the best of times for the repo men and skip tracers of DKA. The big boss has been thrown out of the house by his wife, landing, for the foreseeable future, in Larry Ballard's apartment. Ken Warren has fallen into the grasp of the sexually predatory mother of a multimillionaire computer geek. Bart Heslip has gone undercover in the Tenderloin, wearing a nose ring, a leather vest, and an attitude. O'B is up in redwood country, getting rained on. And Ballard, for a change, has met a woman who's a match for him. But while the streets of San Francisco sizzle and DKA's best snag repos that range from luxury cars to truck tires to the electronic equipment of a talentless heavy metal band, someone is out to punch the agency's collective ticket for good. It begins with the Mafia-style slaying of a flamboyant union leader. It leads toward a prominent San Francisco money man and a violent feud over a half-billion-dollar computer chip. As the DKA agents slap down Repo On Sight slips, they find themselves drawn into the dark heart of big-city corruption - backed by big shotguns, big money, and big madness.

Joe Gores: Contract Null & Void. A DKA File Novel. Mysterious Press, ISBN: 0892965924 (July, 1996), 309 p., $21.95.






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