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Beyond Recall

Robert Goddard: Beyond Recall (USA 1999)

From the Publisher:
At a wedding party in Cornwall, Chris Napier, the bride's uncle, is accosted by a drunken, disheveled, and evidently distraught intruder. The man turns out to be Chris's childhood friend Nicky Lanyon, whose father was hanged for the murder of Joshua Carnoweth-Chris's great-uncle and the man behind the Napier family's inherited state of affluence. Pleading his father's innocence, Nicky commits suicide, forcing Chris to test the truth of his friend's conviction. The conduct of more than one member of his own family begins to dog his hesitant footsteps into a past slowly darkening with the shadows of corruption, greed, lies, child abuse, and good old-fashioned revenge.

Robert Goddard: Beyond Recall. Henry Holt, ISBN: 0805061975 (April, 1999), 320 p., $14.00







Beyond Recall

Robert Goddard: Beyond Recall (USA 1998)

From the Publisher:
At a wedding party in Cornwall, Chris Napier, the bride's uncle, is accosted by a drunken, disheveled, and evidently distraught intruder. The man turns out to be Chris's childhood friend Nicky Lanyon, whose father was hanged for the murder of Joshua Carnoweth-Chris's great-uncle and the man behind the Napier family's inherited state of affluence. Pleading his father's innocence, Nicky commits suicide, forcing Chris to test the truth of his friend's conviction. The conduct of more than one member of his own family begins to dog his hesitant footsteps into a past slowly darkening with the shadows of corruption, greed, lies, child abuse, and good old-fashioned revenge.

Robert Goddard: Beyond Recall. Henry Holt, ISBN: 0805051104 (June, 1998), 310 p., $25.00







Beyond Recall

Robert Goddard: Beyond Recall (UK 1997)

From the Publisher:
At a wedding party in Cornwall in the summer of 1981, Chris Napier is shocked to recognise a dishevelled intruder as his childhood friend Nicky Lanyon, whom he has not seen since his father, Michael Lanyon, was hanged for the murder of Chris's great-uncle, Joshua Carnoweth, in 1947.

It was the inheritance of old Joshua's fortune that led the then humble Napier family to their present state of affluence. When Nicky subsequently hangs himself, Chris sets out on a journey into his own and others' memories of the tragic events of 34 years before. Driven on by Nicky's firm belief in his father's innocence, he begins to doubt the offical version of those events and to question the conduct of several members of his own family.

Then other present-day mysteries begin to dog his footsteps into the past and soon his search for the truth becomes a desperate struggle for his own survival.

Robert Goddard: Beyond Recall. Corgi Books, ISBN: 0552142255 (December, 1997), 406 p., £5.99 / £7.99






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