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Nicolas Freeling: The Seacoast of Bohemia

The Seacoast of Bohemia From the Publisher:
Anita Rogier is living a nightmare. Four years have past since her son vanished without a trace, until, that is, she receives a telephone call that convinces her he is still alive. When she contacts the police they think she's delusional but Henri Castang, an Advisor to the European Union doesn't. What he uncovers is a connection with the SS, a trail that leads to the Czech Republic, and the discovery that Anita's father, Klaas, fathered a son fifty years ago. But the mystery deepens and leads them on towards Denmark with tragic consequence.

Nicolas Freeling: The Seacoast of Bohemia. A Henri Castang Mystery. House of Stratus ISBN: 1842328689 (June, 2001); 199 p., $11.50


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