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Barbara D'Amato: Hard Bargain

Hard Bargain From the Publisher
When a Chicago policewoman catches a fellow officer in the act of attacking his wife and shoots him, Chicago investigative reporter Cat Marsala tries to piece together the truth behind the event, which ignites a media frenzy.

"Barbara D'Amato's books about Chicago's own Cat Marsala are full of all sorts of pleasures: strong, plausible plots with action scenes that grow naturally from the storyline and don't seem pasted on to add drama; a dead-on feel for the highs, lows, and everyday mediums of life in the city; an awareness that hot-button issues need real people to make them interesting." (Chicago Tribune)

Barbara D'Amato: Hard Bargain. Berkley Publishing Group, ISBN: 0425168980 (April, 1999), 287 p., $5.99


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