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Amanda Cross: The Collected Stories

The Collected Stories From the Publisher:
Amanda Cross is master of the American literary whodunit. In her delicately menacing short fiction, assembled here in one volume, dangerous impulses seize the most unlikely individuals, and everyday existence is fast eclipsed by the bizarre. Among the compelling intrigues: The cold-blooded murder of Mrs. Byron Lloyd, shot dead during a writers' panel discussion... the enigma of the nameless toddler who walks out of the bushes one New England summer afternoon... the reappearance of a missing Constable drawing just where it can cause the most trouble... and other wonderful mysteries, many of which star the incomparable amateur sleuth Kate Fansler.

Amanda Cross: The Collected Stories. Ballantine Books, ISBN: 0345421132 (January, 1998), 184 p., $12.00



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