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Unruly Passions

Kate Charles: Unruly Passions (UK 2012)

From the Publisher:
Margaret Phillips is one of the first women to achieve the office of Archdeacon. She is intelligent, confident and capable, and though things have not always gone smoothly for her, she has reached a stage in her life where both her career and private life are harmonious. If there is one thing she can be sure of, it is the love and support of her husband, Hal.

Valerie Marler, bestselling author, creates a fictional world where her privileged heroines always end up with the men of their dreams. She's in control of her own life as well: talented, beautiful, rich, and with as many men as she wants, Valerie calls the shots. Until she meets Hal Phillips, who revels in his status as a happily married man and who is not interested in what she has to offer.

Rosemary Finch, the vicar's wife, hasn't been blessed with the same gifts as Valerie Marler; she is neither rich nor beautiful, and her life has not been an easy one. But she loves her husband and they both adore their Down's Syndrome daughter, Daisy. However, when she meets Hal Phillips, the man Valerie Marler wants and can't have, her life spirals out of control...

Kate Charles: Unruly Passions. Little, Brown, ISBN: 9781405523455 (November, 2012), eBook, 0.41 MB (ca. 416 p.), £2.99.



Unruly Passions

Kate Charles: Unruly Passions (UK 1999)

From the Publisher:
Margaret Phillips is a powerful woman, one of the first women to become an Archdeacon. Intelligent, confident, and capable, she has reached a stage in her life where both her career and her private life are harmonious. And there's one thing she can be sure of -- the love of her husband Hal. Valerie Marler, best-selling author, is in control of her fictional world and her own life as well. Beautiful, rich, and with as many men as she wants, Valerie calls the shots. Until she meets Hal Phillips, a happily married man with no interest in what she has to offer. Rosemary Finch, the vicar's wife, is neither rich nor beautiful, and her life has not been an easy one. She loves her husband, and they both adore their daughter Daisy. Then something happens that will shatter her equilibrium -- she, too, meets Hal Phillips, the man Valerie Marler wants and can't have.

Kate Charles: Unruly Passions. Warner Books, ISBN: 0751524379 (June, 1999), 440 p., £5.99.



Unruly Passions

Kate Charles: Unruly Passions (UK 1998)

From the Publisher:
Margaret Phillips, Archdeacon of Saxwell, is in the prime of her life. Her position in the church is testament to her exceptional ability, commitment and drive, as she effortlessly combines her clerical duties with a rock-solid marriage to the charming and devoted Hal. The couple are to discover, however that their smug stability is what makes them vulnerable.

For the sake of their Down's syndrome daughter, Daisy, Gervase Finch moves with his fiercely protective wife into the parsonage in the nearby village of Branlingham, before assuming the post of vicar. Although they love their spouses, Rosemary Finch and Hal Phillips are drawn together, both disturbed by ideals of womanhood: Rosemary competing with the ghost of Gervase's first wife, Hal married to a paragon.

Valerie Marler, a best-selling novelist; has also identified Hal as the object of her unruly passion. Ever the author, Valerie strives to rewrite her past failures by pursuing her fictional ideal, but when Hal refuses to play his part in her love story, her revenge threatens to descend into tragedy.

Kate Charles has deftly woven the threads of many contemporary obsessions into a chillingly credible tale of passion and suspense.

Kate Charles: Unruly Passions. Little, Brown, ISBN: 0316645494 (October, 1998), 448 p., £16.99 (?).


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