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The Hackman Blues

Ken Bruen: The Hackman Blues (UK 1997)

From the Publisher:
A job of pure simplicity. Find a white girl in Brixton. Piece of cake. What I should have done is doubled my medication and lit a candle to St Jude - maybe a lot of candles. " Add to the mixture a lethal ex-con, an Irish builder obsessed with Gene Hackman, the biggest Funeral Brixton has ever seen, and what you get is the Blues like they've never been sung before.

Ken Bruen's powerful second novel is a gritty and grainy mix of crime noir and Urban Blues that greets you like a mugger stays with you like a razor-scar.

Ken Bruen: The Hackman Blues. Do-Not Press, ISBN: 1899344225 (September, 1997), 152 p., £7.00.


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