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Generally Speaking

Lawrence Block: Generally Speaking (2020)

From the Publisher:
For almost three years, novelist and short-story writer Lawrence Block's monthly column, "Generally Speaking," was one of the most popular features in Linn's Stamp News. A general collector of pre-1940 issues, Block had the entire world of stamps as his subject, and he turned in 33 columns before he decided it was time to stop.

But Keller, the author's fictional character, never lost his enthusiasm for philately. A wistful and introspective killer for hire, Keller rekindled a boyhood passion for stamps at the end of Hit Man, the first of a series of books about him. Like Block, Keller collects the whole world through philately's first century. (How's that for coincidence?) And the nature of his profession gives Keller more discretionary income than Block-and a lot more money to spend on stamps.

Published here for the first time is the full run of columns from Linn's, along with six selections from the Keller saga chosen for their philatelic perspective.

Lawrence Block: Generally Speaking. All 33 columns, plus a few philatelic words from Keller. LB Productions, ISBN: 9781951939458 (January, 2020), 286 p., Hardcover $23.99, Paperback $11.99, eBook $6.99.


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